Thursday, April 7, 2011

Crisis in Japan

If you have been following the news, you have seen that Japan was hit with two more major earthquakes. I keep asking myself, "why is this happening?" As if the previous earthquakes and tsunami were not enough, Japan keeps getting hit with more and more catastrophes. When I reflect back on the beginning of this semester and the creation of my blog, I think about all of my dreams and aspirations. I think of how I was sure that I would be teaching in an international school in Japan. When I tell people that this is still my dream, some of them look at me like I am crazy. Some ask why I would want to go somewhere where there is a heightened risk of natural disasters. Some ask why I would want to go to a country that is plagued by nuclear radiation. Japan is my second home and I have no doubt that I will be back there some day. However, I do admit that I am a little scared. It is hard enough to leave the comfort of your own country, but even more difficult when there are dangers to be faced. I do know that if I could be back there now helping, I would be. Right now, I know that I cannot be in Japan to physically help, but I do know that I can do whatever it takes to help while I am still here.

Does anyone have any thoughts on this? What would you be feeling right now?

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Raise Up Japan

As you all know, Japan was hit by a major earthquake and tsunami and now faces nuclear catastrophe.  My close friends and I created an organization entitled Raise Up Japan.  Watch this video to learn more!